Dia de Africa: Découverte de l'Angola pour les PS A & B et KG 1 / Discovering Angola for PS A & B and KG 1

May 28, 2024

🇫🇷 On Friday 24 May, to mark Africa Day, the French and English Petite Section pupils set off to discover Angola. Here is a summary of the activities during our Angolan day:

Dance and sports morning: Dressed in their best African outfits, the children loved learning the Bouboukalakala dance. They were then treated to a capoeira initiation by the Abáda school, which captured their energy and enthusiasm.

Culinary tasting : The children were delighted to taste Angolan specialities such as funge, plantain banana, sweet potato, banana cake, fresh fruit and chocolate, all accompanied by a delicious passion fruit juice. It was an opportunity for them to discover new flavours and share a convivial moment.

Reading workshop : The story of Kilou, recounting his family trip to Angola to his friend in France, captivated their attention. The story was told in two voices, in Portuguese and French, allowing the children to immerse themselves in both languages and cultures.

Treasure hunt : As a team, the children had great fun guessing Angolan animals hidden in the sand. Once they had found all the animals, they assembled the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle they had won, representing the map of Angola. This fun activity stimulated their team spirit and curiosity.

Angolan music: We ended the day with a musical session with our teacher. It was a moment of joy and discovery, where the children were introduced to Angolan rhythms and melodies, bringing this enriching and festive day to a close.

This day of discovering Angola was a real success, full of learning, culture and fun. We look forward to repeating this type of activity in the future, to continue to awaken the children's curiosity and interest in the world around them.


🇬🇧On Friday, May 24, in celebration of Africa Day, the students of PS A & B and KG 1 embarked on an exciting journey to discover Angola. Here's a summary of the activities from our Angolan day:

Dance and Sports Morning: Dressed in their finest African attire, the children loved learning the Bouboukalakala dance. Following that, they enjoyed an engaging introduction to capoeira by the Abáda school, capturing their energy and enthusiasm.

Culinary Snack: The children delighted in tasting Angolan specialties such as funge, plantain, sweet potatoes, banana cake, fresh fruits, chocolate, all accompanied by delicious passion fruit juice. This moment was an opportunity for them to explore new flavors and share a convivial experience.

Reading Workshop: The story of Kilou, recounting his family trip to Angola to his friend in France, captivated their attention. This story was told in both Portuguese and French, allowing the children to immerse themselves in both languages and cultures.

Treasure Hunt: The children had a lot of fun working in teams to find Angolan animals hidden in the sand using riddles. Once all the animals were found, they assembled the puzzle pieces they won, representing the map of Angola. This playful activity stimulated their teamwork and curiosity.

Angolan Music: We concluded the day with a musical session with our teacher. It was a moment of joy and discovery, where the children got to experience Angolan rhythms and melodies, wrapping up this enriching and festive day.

This day of discovering Angola was a great success, filled with learning, culture, and fun. We look forward to continuing such activities to keep nurturing the children's curiosity and interest in the world around them.


🇵🇹Na sexta-feira, 24 de maio, ememoração ao Dia da África, os alunos de PS A & B e KG 1 embarcaram emuma emocionante jornada para descobrir Angola. This is a summary of our activities during this day in Angola:

Manhã de dança e esportes: Dressed in their best African roupas, the girls loved learning the Bouboukalakala dance. Em seguida, eles se divertiram muito com uma introdução envolvente à capoeira pela escola Abáda, capturando sua energia e entusiasmo.

Lanche culinário: As crianças se deliciaram ao provar especialidades angolanas, como funge, banana-da-terra, batata-doce, bolo de banana, frutas frescas e chocolate, tudo acompanhado por um delicioso suco de maracujá. Este momento foi uma oportunidade para eles explorarem novos sabores e compartilharem uma experiência agradável.

Oficina de leitura: A história de Kilou, que contava sua viagem em família para Angola a seu amigo na França, capturou a atenção das crianças. Esta história foi contada em português e francês, permitindo que as crianças se imergissem em ambas as línguas e culturas.

Caça ao tesouro: As crianças se divertiram muito trabalhando em equipe para encontrar animais angolanos escondidos na areia usando adivinhas. Once they had found all the animals, they mounted the peças do quebra-cabeça that they were ganharam, representing the map of Angola. This fun activity valued teamwork and the curiosity of the children.

Música angolana: We ended the day with a musical session with our teacher. Foi um momento de alegria e descoberta, onde as crianças puderam experimentar os ritmos e melodias angolanas, encerrando assim este dia enriquecedor e festivo.

Este dia de descoberta de Angola foi um grande sucesso, cheio de aprendizado, cultura e diversão. We're determined to continue with this type of activity to keep the world's critics curious and interested in our country.























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